Dan Lewis B.V.
Betrouwbaar en professioneel


This website’s administration method for the processing of the personal data of all its visitors are described. This information leaflet is issued as per the sense and effect of “Privacy Law” to all those who interact with the web services of DAN LEWIS BV. for the processing of personal data acquired telemetrically starting from the address:

It is the policy of DAN LEWIS BV to protect the security of the personal data and information of its clients and anyone else who consults its website, and in particular, to comply with Privacy Law in regard to protecting the confidentiality of personal data.

Data regarding identified or identifiable individual persons, organisations or other agencies may be processed following visits to this website. The “Owner” of the processing of such data is DAN LEWIS BV, Octant 293 , 3328 SV Dordrecht, The Netherlands, contact info@dan-lewis.nl

The data linked to the services of this website are processed at the above-mentioned headquarters of DAN LEWIS BV exclusively by its own personnel and/or external website maintenance personnel. No data linked to website service is communicated, sold, or otherwise disclosed. The personal data provided by website users who submit requests for the transmission of informative material (CD-rom, newsletters, technical reports, answers to queries, business requests, etc.) are used only for the purpose of complying with such requests and can be communicated to others only in the context of contractual purposes whenever strictly necessary to provide the service(s) requested. Under no circumstances are the personal data of website users or clients communicated, sold or disclosed without prior authorization from the same.

Data are processed by the electronic instruments currently used in web processing.

Navigation data
During normal operation, the information technology and the software procedures used for the operation of this website acquire certain personal data transmitted automatically during the use of Internet communication protocols. Although such data are not acquired for the purpose of association with any specific interest, their nature is such to potentially permit the identification of the users involved through further processing and association by third parties.

This category of data includes IP addresses or the dominion names of the computers utilized by the users who visit the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the hour of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successfully transmitted, error, etc.) and other parameters regarding the operative system and information technology platform adopted by the user.

Such data can be utilized solely to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and ensure its correct operation, and are immediately deleted after processing. Such data can be used to ascertain responsibility whenever illegal information technology techniques are used to the damage of the website.